14 April 2009

Blog Roll - A Boy with Asperger's

A Boy with Asperger's is a blog created by a mother of two children as a place that allows her to express herself, get heard, raise awareness, rant and rave and most importantly share. She wants to share her son with the world to show everyone that having a child with ASD doesn’t mean the end of the world. She wants her blog to reach out to other parents that like myself have just taken that big step into the Aspergers/ASD world.

Do you have a blog you want featured on our blog roll? if so please add a comment and let us read it!


clairelouise said...

Thanks so much for adding my blog to your fantastic site. A boy with Aspergers http://aspergersinfo.wordpress.com Hugs

Casdok said...

Blogging is a great way for us mums to express oursleves and hopefully raise awareness at the same time!